Inspection & Testing
Identifying electrically dangerous conditions
There are many good reasons to have an electrical inspection carried out:
For home buyers - know what you're buying / know what you've bought!
Private landlords requiring rental certification (EICR).
For older installations requiring upgrading and for peace of mind keeping you, your family or your business safe
The example (right) was found in a newly purchased house and is in very poor condition. Recent additions had been made without upgrading the consumer unit and there was antiquated wiring, in excess of 60 years old, still in use without any earthing conductor. Any accident or fault occurring in this installation could have resulted in a serious fire or loss of life.

Inspection & Testing services
These have previously been called periodic inspections. It is recommended these are carried out on all electrical installations every 10 years. Higher risk installations, such as a workshop or rental house andspaces with multiple person usage, carry recommendation of higher frequency testing.

The best time for any work to be done in your home is before you move into it. Know what you're dealing with before you decorate etc - it's much easier (cheaper!) to find faults, lift floor boards and add that extra socket in an empty house
House Buyer

Before a new tenancy agreement is signed, the current law is to have an in-date electrical safety certificate (EICR with a satisfactory result), which lasts for 5 years.
Private Renter Landlord

Electrical equipment and wiring degrades over time: great advances are being made in new devices designed to reduce the risk of fire and electric shock. It's a great time to ask for a professional opinion of your electrical safety